A Free Trip - Một chuyến đi miễn phí

A: My dad went to Washington, D.C.
B: Why did he do that?
A: He was invited, along with about 90 other veterans.
B: Who invited them?
A: Some private organization.
B: Why did they invite him?
A: To thank him and all the other soldiers who served in World War II.
B: That's very nice.
A: My dad got to see the beautiful new World War II Monument.
B: That trip must have cost a lot of money.
A: He said all the money came from private donations.

Local Customs - Phong tục địa phương

A: This is really a fascinating city!
B: Yes, this city is thousands of years old and has quite a history!
A: I really love this temple we are visiting.
B: As you enter the temple, please remove your shoes as the others are doing.
A: It is so quiet here.
B: Yes, they are showing respect to their gods. People come here to pray and meditate.
A: I noticed that the women all have some sort of head covering.
B: It is a tradition that women cover their heads while in the temple.
A: I noticed that all of the people were eating with their hands at dinner last night.
B: Yes, that is another custom that people practice here.

Sightseeing - Tham quan

A: Where should we go sightseeing today?
B: I think that some things might be best done in the morning and others in the afternoon.
A: I think that I would like to go to the beach this morning.
B: That would be a good place to start our sightseeing. We could have breakfast there.
A: I hear that there is a very nice natural history museum there.
B: Yes, it would be nice to check that out since we are so close by.
A: Where should we go in the afternoon?
B: I think that I would like to go to the amusement park. It's supposed to be quite good.
A: At the end of the day, I would love to take in the sunset at therestaurant by the park.
B: That sounds like a great idea! Let's go get a map.

Complaining about a Tour - Khiếu nại về tour du lịch

A: I am having some big problems on this tour.
B: What seems to be the problem? We are here to help you.
A: This tour company seems very disorganized. No one seems to have a clear picture as to where we are going and when we are going to get there.
B: I will see what I can do about that. How about the accommodations on the tour?
A: So far, we have been staying in really out-of-the-way accommodations.
B: Is anything wrong with your room?
A: The television in our room was broken, and they didn't send anyone to fix it.
B: I will complain to the hotel manager about that. How about the hotel restaurant?
A: The food in the restaurant was terrible, and a few people from our group got sick.
B: I am so sorry that you had such a bad experience. We would like to offer you a free city tour and lunch to make it up to you.

Shopping for Souvenirs - Mua sắm quà lưu niệm

A: I want to look at the souvenirs over at the souvenir stand.
B: What do you need to buy?
A: I usually buy myself some jewelry or some clothing.
B: I always buy a lot of things for my family. How about you?
A: Yes, they practically swarm me when I get home!
B: What are some of their favorite gifts?
A: The teenagers like me to bring them tee shirts that you can't get anywhere else.
B: This stuff is pretty expensive, isn't it?
A: Souvenirs cost a lot for what they are, but we can shop around for better prices.
B: Let's go across the street and see what they have over there.

Losing the Wallet and Passport - Mất ví và hộ chiếu

A: I can't find my purse!
B: What was in your purse?
A: It contained my wallet and passport.
B: How much money was in your wallet?
A: There was about $200 in my wallet, and I had some traveler's checks in there, too.
B: We can call American Express to deal with the traveler's checks. How about credit cards?
A: I had a MasterCard and a Visa Card.
B: We can look at the back of my cards to get the emergency phone numbers.
A: Where do I report that my passport is missing?
B: We need to take a cab to the embassy to report that right away. They will help us.

Arranging a Tour of the City - Sắp xếp một chuyến tham quan thành phố

A: I was wondering if you could help me book a few tours.
B: You have come to the right place. How many days will you be visiting here?
A: I will be here for a week.
B: Have you ever visited our city before?
A: This is my first time visiting this city.
B: What are you interested in? Do you enjoy museums and buildings, or would you rather hit some outdoor hotspots and venues?
A: I really enjoy visiting museums and art galleries.
B: We have tours for all interests.
A: Do you have a city tour?
B: Yes, in fact, I usually suggest that to visitors.

Health Insurance - Bảo hiểm y tế

A: I would like to purchase some health insurance.
B: Have you ever purchased health insurance before?
A: I have health insurance now, but I want to look into other choices.
B: Do you know if you are interested in an HMO or a PPO?
A: Could you explain the difference to me?
B: To clarify it for you, with a PPO you pay more but you get to choose your own doctor.
A: When I pay for a service, is the payment the same for a PPO or HMO?
B: The payments are quite a bit higher for the PPO, but you can go anywhere you like.
A: How much will an HMO cost me per month?
B: Go to our website and fill in the questionnaire. Once we have all of your information, we can give you a quote.

Family (Gia đình)

A: How many people are there in your family?
B: There are 5 people in my family: my father, mother, brother, sister, and me.
A: Does your family live in a house or an apartment?
B: We live in a house in the countryside.
A: What does your father do?
B: My father is a doctor. He works at the local hospital.
A: How old is your mother?
B: She is 40 years old, 1 year younger than my father.
A: Do you have any siblings? What’s his/her name?
B: Yes, I do. I have 1 elder brother, David, and 1 younger sister, Mary.
A: Are you the oldest amongst your brothers and sisters?
B: No, I’m not. I’m the second child in my family.
A: What do your mother/father like?
B: My father likes playing football and my mother likes cooking.
A: Do your parents let you stay out late?
B: Of course not. They always ask me to get home before 10 pm each night.
A: Do you stay with your parents?
B: Right now, no, but I used to.
A: Does your family usually have dinner together?
B: Yes, we do. My mom always prepares delicious meals for us.

I had measles when I was 18 - Tôi bị sởi khi tôi 18 tuổi.

A: What health problem did you have?
B: I had measles when I was 18.
A: How did you have that health problem?
B: I thought I catch measles from someone when they cough or sneeze.
A: Was that serious?
B: Not really, but it was unpleasant. I recovered after 10 days staying at home.
A: What were some symptoms of that health problem?
B: I had a cold and fever with a cough, a runny nose. The small grayish-white spots appeared on my body, too.
A: Did you take any medical treatment?
B: No, I didn’t. The situation wasn’t serious enough to be sent to the hospital then.
A: How could you recover from it?
B: Well, let me see, I drank a lot of water, avoided the direct light, and I had to stay off school for 10 days.
A: What difficulties did you face because of that problem?
B: I couldn’t go out for a few days, which was boring. I’m not allowed to play outside and I felt so bad about it.
A: What do people do to prevent that health problem?
B: By having measles vaccine.
A: Is that health problem common in your country?
B: Not really, due to the effectiveness of vaccination.

Trying to Find a Doctor - Đang cố gắng tìm một bác sĩ

A: I am really not feeling very well.
B: Do you think you need to go to a doctor?
A: I think that we should maybe check into how to find a doctor in this country.
B: I don't know where to begin looking for a doctor here.
A: I think that we should call the front desk to see if they can help us.
B: I have an American Express card. I heard that their travel services are quite good.
A: That sounds like a great idea!
B: Do you have travel insurance?
A: Yes, I bought travel health insurance.
B: I am going to call down to the office right now and see what they can do for us.

Restaurant - Nhà hàng

A: How often do you eat out? Who do you go with?
B: I often eat out on weekends, when I hang out with my friends.
A: What restaurant do you usually visit?
B: Well, there are not many restaurants in my neighborhood, so my best choice is the deli in convenient stores like the Circle K, Mini-Stop, B-smart.
A: What type of food do you enjoy to eat? Western or Asian?
B: I’m interested in Asian food, Western food is not my thing.
A: How much do you usually pay when you eat out?
B: It’s not very expensive, just around $5 for each meal.
A: Do you enjoy spicy food?
B: Yes, I do, especially on cold days.
A: Are the servers there friendly to you?
B: Yes, they are. Most of them are really helpful.
A: Have you ever tried Italian food?
B: Yes, at least once, when I was in my friend’s wedding party.
A: Are you concerned about calories when eating out?
B: Yes, I am. I’m on diet now, so this really matters to me.
A: Are fast food restaurants like KFC or McDonald’s famous in your country?
B: Yes, they are. The youth in my country are big fans of fast food.
A: Do you often drink alcohol when eating out?
B: No, not often. Just when I have parties with my friends.

Read books - Đọc sách

A: How often do you read books?
B: I read books almost every night before I go to bed.
A: What’s your favorite type of book?
B: I love reading about different cultures.
A: What can you learn from books?
B: Books can broaden my horizon about thousands of things around the world, and books are also my best friends.
A: Where do you read books?
B: I read books at home, sometimes in the library.
A: What’s the most interesting book you have ever read?
B: I think that would be Nepal, a book written about the country of Nepal, published in 1999.
A: How long does it take you to finish a book?
B: Well, it depends on the length of the book, but it usually takes me a week to finish a 300-page book.
A: Do you usually bring books with you when you travel?
B: Yes, I do. When I’m at the airport or bus station, I read books to kill time.
A: Is there any bookstore or library in your area?
B: Unfortunately, there are none near my house. The nearest one is 3 kilometers away.

Have you ever been abroad? - Bạn đã từng đi nước ngoài chưa?

A: How many places have you traveled to?
B: I’ve visited all the provinces throughout my country.
A: Who do you usually go with?
B: I often go with my family, sometimes with my best friends.
A: What’s your favorite tourist attraction?
B: That would be Venice city in Italy. I love riding the gondola along the canals while watching Italian people live their daily lives.
A: Have you ever been abroad?
B: Yes, I have. I came to Italy last year for a business trip.
A: What language do you use when traveling?
B: English, but sometimes I have to use body language since not all people are good at English.
A: What do you usually do during your trip?
B: I often go sightseeing, take pictures, mingle with the local people and sample the local cuisine.
A: What do you do to prepare for your trip?
B: Before the trip, I search for information about the location, weather, famous tourist attractions, transportation, local cuisine and prices on the internet.
A: What do you usually bring when you travel?
B: I usually pack my suitcase with some necessary items such as clothes, medicine, food, a map, and a camera.
A: Do you prefer traveling by car, train or plane?
B: I prefer planes although it can be a little expensive. Planes are much faster than any other mode of transport.
A: Do you prefer traveling alone or joining a guided tour?
B: I love backpacking with my friends who share the same interests as me.

WebSite - What type of websites do you often search?

A: What type of websites do you often search for?
B: It varies depending on my goal. I prefer entertainment and education websites such as facebook.com, wikipedia.org and VOA Special English.
A: How long have you been using them?
B: I have been using these websites since I was a freshman at university.
A: What do you visit those websites for?
B: I use them to study online or relax after working.
A: What’s your favorite website?
B: I think it’s probably youtube.com.
A: Can you read websites in English?
B: Yes, I can. Most useful websites are written in English.
A: What’s the most popular website in your country?
B: I’m not quite sure, but I guess it would be facebook.com.
A: Do you think the youth should use websites as a reliable source of knowledge?
B: Not always, they should choose their sources carefully.

Read books

A: How often do you read books?
B: I read books almost every night before I go to bed.
A: What’s your favorite type of book?
B: I love reading about different cultures.
A: What can you learn from books?
B: Books can broaden my horizon about thousands of things around the world, and books are also my best friends.
A: Where do you read books?
B: I read books at home, sometimes in the library.
A: What’s the most interesting book you have ever read?
B: I think that would be Nepal, a book written about the country of Nepal, published in 1999.
A: How long does it take you to finish a book?
B: Well, it depends on the length of the book, but it usually takes me a week to finish a 300-page book.
A: Do you usually bring books with you when you travel?
B: Yes, I do. When I’m at the airport or bus station, I read books to kill time.
A: Is there any bookstore or library in your area?
B: Unfortunately, there are none near my house. The nearest one is 3 kilometers away.

Plastic Surgery - Phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ

A: Is plastic surgery popular in your country?
B: Not really. People in my country are not so interested in plastic surgery.
A: What do you think about people having plastic surgery?
B: It’s hard to say. As long as they find happiness in what they’re doing, it’s fine with me.
A: Why do you think people do it?
B: They want to gain a better look, I believe. That’s understandable.
A: Is plastic surgery bad?
B: It’s bad for health in the long run.
A: Does it do harm to your health?
B: Sure, there are several unhealthy substances in the medical treatments which may be harmful to your body.
A: Do you think changing your look is a good thing?
B: Yes, I can’t deny that changing for a better appearance is what people should do. But don’t abuse plastic surgery or you will face serious health problems later on.
A: Do you think the development of plastic surgery is a positive or negative trend?
B: It’s more a positive trend, I guess. Thanks to plastic surgery, people who think they don’t look good can now make themselves more attractive.
A: Do you care more about your outlook or inner soul?
B: As for me, the inner soul does matter more although outside appearance is important, too.
A: What is a part of your face that you wish to change?
B: Although I have some imperfect parts, I have no wish to change anything. I love the natural appearance my parents gave me.
Phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ có phổ biến ở nước bạn không?
Không hẳn vậy. Người dân ở đất nước tôi không quá quan tâm đến phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ.
Bạn nghĩ gì về những người phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ?
Khó mà nói ra được. Miễn là họ tìm thấy hạnh phúc trong những gì họ làm, thì đó là điều tốt với tôi.
Tại sao bạn nghĩ rằng mọi người làm điều đó?
Họ muốn có được một cái nhìn tốt hơn, tôi tin. Nó có thể hiểu được.
Phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ có xấu không?
Nó có hại cho sức khỏe về lâu dài.
Nó có gây hại cho sức khỏe của bạn không?
Chắc chắn, có một số chất không lành mạnh trong phương pháp điều trị y tế có thể gây hại cho cơ thể của bạn.
Bạn có nghĩ rằng thay đổi diện mạo của bạn là một điều tốt?
Vâng, tôi có thể phủ nhận rằng việc thay đổi để có ngoại hình đẹp hơn là điều mọi người nên làm. Nhưng don don lạm dụng phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ hoặc bạn sẽ phải đối mặt với các vấn đề sức khỏe nghiêm trọng sau này.
Bạn có nghĩ rằng sự phát triển của phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ là một xu hướng tích cực hay tiêu cực?
Nó đoán thêm một xu hướng tích cực, tôi đoán vậy. Nhờ phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ, những người cho rằng họ không đẹp mắt giờ đây có thể khiến bản thân trở nên hấp dẫn hơn.
Bạn có quan tâm nhiều hơn về triển vọng hoặc tâm hồn bên trong của bạn?
Đối với tôi, linh hồn bên trong quan trọng hơn mặc dù ngoại hình cũng quan trọng.
Một phần của khuôn mặt của bạn mà bạn muốn thay đổi là gì?
Mặc dù tôi có một số phần không hoàn hảo, tôi không muốn thay đổi bất cứ điều gì. Tôi yêu vẻ ngoài tự nhiên mà bố mẹ đã cho tôi.

At the doctor's office

A: Good morning. What’s troubling you?
B: Good morning, doctor. I have a terrible headache
A: Ok. Tell me how it got started?
B: Yesterday I had a runny nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have s sore throat. I feel terrible.
A: Don’t worry. Let me give you an examination
B: It is serious? What am I supposed to do then?
A: A good rest is all you need, and drink more water. I’ll write you a prescription
B: Thank you very much
A: Bye!
Chào anh. Anh bị sao thế
Chào bác sĩ. Đầu tôi đau như búa bổ vậy
Được rồi, vậy triệu chứng bắt đầu khi nào
Hôm qua, tôi bị sổ mũi. Bây giờ tôi bị nghẹt mũi, đau họng và sốt. Tôi cảm thấy rất khó chịu
Đừng lo lắng. Để tôi xem giúp cậu
Có nghiêm trọng không bác sĩ? Tôi phải làm sao đây?
Nghỉ ngơi là đều cậu cần làm và uống nhiều nước. Tôi sẽ kê đơn thuốc cho cậu
Cảm ơn ông rất nhiều
Tạm biệt!