I. School Life - Giao tiếp ở trường » How good is your math? Môn toán của bạn thế nào?

II. Hướng dẫn How good is your math? Môn toán của bạn thế nào?

A: How good is your math?
B: I can add two and two.
A: So you're not very good at math?
B: I'm terrible at math.
A: Well, I need some help.
B: With what?
A: I'm taking a math course in school.
B: Well, you should ask your teacher or your classmates for help.
A: I can't do that.
B: Why not?
A: They might think I'm stupid.
B: They're not going to think that! They'll be glad to help you.

III. Kết quả học tập

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